Friday, April 13, 2007

Pre-Pregnancy Workout & Nutrition Plan

Pre-Pregnancy Workout Plan

*Lift Weights – every two days, about 30-45 minutes long, target muscles: biceps, triceps, upper & lower back, shoulders, chest.

*To avoid strain – replace ab crunches with holding a position. For example, holding yoga positions.

*Cardio – walk or rollerblade 5 times a week.

*Stretch every morning.

Pre-Pregnancy Nutrition Plan

*Consume all nutrients (including vitamins) naturally.

*Avoid supplements, antibiotics, and medications.

*Begin trying to cut out all foods that contain hydrogenated oils.

*Begin using non-bleached products (sugar and wheat)

*Begin consuming more good fats and oils (ex: omega-3)

*Begin consuming more calcium and folic acid through foods

*(I won’t begin trying to consume more iron until I do get pregnant, because I know that you can have too much iron.)

(These plans are for me. This isn’t what I am saying everyone should do, but if you want to do any of them, then great. I am just sharing my lifestyle and choices with you.)

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