Monday, February 18, 2008

Wedding Ring

For months now Joel has been without his wedding ring because he lost it somewhere in the house. I found it today while going through a stack of receipts that we had put in a box to go through later! I had been meaning to post something here recently, but since Joel finally gets to wear his wedding ring now, I figured I should finally get to updating this blog again too!! I am not sure if I am going to keep up this blog after the baby is born, we will see. But for now, things are going great with us. We are both excited because Joel's church is having a retreat for married couples at the end of May. We really had such a great time at the Engaged Encounter retreat that we attended before we got married, so we are looking forward to having a similar experience. I am also glad for the retreat because it gives us a few days to focus on our marriage and each other. We are also excited at the though that I will be very pregnant at the time as well! (the retreat center is only a few exits down the highway from our house, on the way to the birthing center, so it won't be like going out of town or anything) I think it will give us some help in remembering each other when the baby is born. They offer these marriage retreats every year, so if we have another good time, then we want to try to go every year. But that is a few months away, so I am going to try to post on here more often in order to keep reflecting on our relationship in the mean time.

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