Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Silver Can Turn Your Skin Permanently Silver/Gray!

I was reading in an alternative health book about ways to ease a sore throat and allergies (sinus problems). The book recommended some things that were helpful, but one thing that I was curious about was that it mentioned taking Silver. I thought that was strange, and I would think that Silver wasn’t good for you to ingest. So I just did some minimal internet searching on the topic of health effects of Silver. I found out that consuming too much Silver can cause irreversible skin and eye coloration, basically you will turn gray/silver colored. I was horrified at the thought that this book was encouraging me to take this, and that it is now “in style” in “health food stores” and in thinking that people were going to be taking Silver. So just in case you hear anything endorsing Silver, think again! The fact that it is irreversible is terrible! Here is one woman’s story with more detailed information if you are interested. The website also includes pictures too.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shocking recommendations come through on seemingly valid websites and books. This just reinforces the need to read the entire spectrum of literature, from traditional to alternative and look at the hard data to support such claims.

Any heavy metal ingestion, such as lead, mercury, silver, etc have been known for years to cause severe, irreversible damage, especially to developing young brains. Mexico still has a high incidence of lead poisoning in its children which accounts for a significant portion of mental retardation.

This reminds me. Many of the miniblinds from China are still painted with a lead based paint and should not be placed near a baby crib or anyplace a baby may "teethe" on the blind or even gum it.

Thanks for this reading update, Melissa.
